flowers in rain

flowers in rain
"God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man." Arthur Young

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Basic Assignment 1

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students
Complete this assignment and send it to me by mail. In case you face any difficulties please go through the materials given for further reading. Try to think simple, write few steps and run in qb64, see if it is giving the result the you expect it to. Build the program step-wise.
  • Write a program to take input student's name and scores in four subjects. Calculate the average score and print Student's name and score.

  • We learned to use 'if-then-else' statements in class, well it works if we have two conditions, if we have more than two conditions we can use 'case' statement, here is an example
    Input “Enter any numbers ”;N
    Select Case N
    Case <0
    Print “It’s negative number ”
    Case >99
    Print “It’s out of range”;
    Case >9
    Print “It’s a double digit number”
    Case >0
    Print “It’s a positive number”
    End Select
  • Modify the above program to calculate students grade depending on the average score as in the following table. Use 'case' statement to get grade for the student's score. Finally print students's name average score and grade.In Following format:
  • Name Average Score Grade

    Score Grade
    0-40 F
    41-60 D
    61-80 C
    81-90 B
    91-100 A

  • Further Reading: A blog with many qbasic examples
  • Open WikiBook

If you face any problems or you want to discuss this assignment please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday 2 May 2017


Paper VII GROUP A Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Genetic Engineering

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students