flowers in rain

flowers in rain
"God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man." Arthur Young

Friday, 18 August 2017

Bioinformatics applications

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students
I found an article that concisely describes various applications of bioinformatics, as this a common question in your exams, I am posting a link to this article link to article

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Basic assignment 3

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students
So far we have seen that we can store a single value in a variable for example:
10 Let A = 10
But while programming it may be convenient to store a list of values (i.e. 10,5,15,20,25) in a single variable. This is possible in BASIC and such a list in called "array", each individual item is called an "element". So "A" is an array and its elements are A1= 10, A2 = 5, A3=15, A4= 20, A5=25. 1 in "A1" denotes position of the element in an array and is called its "index" or "subscription".
To make an array in BASIC we use DIM statement, say if we want to make an array of 10 elements and save it in variable "N" then the statement wii be
10 DIM N(10) This will create an empty array of 10 elements. To fill this array we can take the elements as input or we can use READ and DATA statements.
DATA statement saves a list of elements.
READ statements reads the list one at a time and puts it in array
Example: Program to calculate sum of squares of 10 numbers.
    10 Cls
    20 LET S = 0
    30 FOR I = 1 to 10
    40 READ X(I)
    50 LET S = S + X(I)*X(I)
    60 NEXT I
    70 NEXT I
    80 PRINT S
    90 DATA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
    100 END

    Your assignment:

  • Write a program using array to calculate mean and variance of heights of dogs, heights are : 600 mm, 470 mm,170 mm, 430mm and 300 mm.

  • Further Reading: A blog with many qbasic examples
  • Open WikiBook

If you face any problems or you want to discuss this assignment please feel free to leave a comment.

Excel Assignment 4

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students Download the following excel sheet, complete the assignments given therein and send them to me.If you have any difficulties use comment option of this blog.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Excel Assignment 3

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students Download the following excel sheet, complete the assignments given therein and send them to me.If you have any difficulties use comment option of this blog.

Basic Assignment 2

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students
This assignment uses string functions to manipulate string in qbasic. Complete this assignment and send it to me by mail. In case you face any difficulties please go through the materials given for further reading. Try to think simple, write few steps and run in qb64, see if it is giving the result the you expect it to. Build the program step-wise.
The following example uses Len() function to calculate length of a string than uses a FOR-NEXT loop to extract increasing number of characters from left of the string with LEFT$() and then prints them. For your assignment you will need to use MID$() its syntax is MID$(S$,x,y) where S$ = variable to which string is assigned to, x = position at which to begin, y = number of characters to extract.
Also note that I have used GOTO statements to make the program follow a particular sequence of steps this is an example of controlling the flow of the program
    10 Cls
    20 Input “Enter any name ”;N$
    30 NameLength = LEN(N$)
    40 IF NameLength > 3 THEN GOTO 70
    50 PRINT "Name is too small"
    60 GOTO 110
    70 FOR i = 1 TO NameLength
    80 leftslice$ = LEFT$(N$, i)
    90 PRINT leftslice$
    100 NEXT i

  • Write a program to take input student's name then print it in following format.

  • example: Rosemerry

  • Further Reading: A blog with many qbasic examples
  • Open WikiBook

If you face any problems or you want to discuss this assignment please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Basic Assignment 1

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students
Complete this assignment and send it to me by mail. In case you face any difficulties please go through the materials given for further reading. Try to think simple, write few steps and run in qb64, see if it is giving the result the you expect it to. Build the program step-wise.
  • Write a program to take input student's name and scores in four subjects. Calculate the average score and print Student's name and score.

  • We learned to use 'if-then-else' statements in class, well it works if we have two conditions, if we have more than two conditions we can use 'case' statement, here is an example
    Input “Enter any numbers ”;N
    Select Case N
    Case <0
    Print “It’s negative number ”
    Case >99
    Print “It’s out of range”;
    Case >9
    Print “It’s a double digit number”
    Case >0
    Print “It’s a positive number”
    End Select
  • Modify the above program to calculate students grade depending on the average score as in the following table. Use 'case' statement to get grade for the student's score. Finally print students's name average score and grade.In Following format:
  • Name Average Score Grade

    Score Grade
    0-40 F
    41-60 D
    61-80 C
    81-90 B
    91-100 A

  • Further Reading: A blog with many qbasic examples
  • Open WikiBook

If you face any problems or you want to discuss this assignment please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Paper VII GROUP A Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Genetic Engineering

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Gene expression Regulation in Prokaryotes

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Monday, 3 April 2017

Chromatography I

Paper VII GROUP A: Unit I

Dear MSc Second Year Zoology (V.U) Students


Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Monday, 27 March 2017

Discover fun in Statistics

Dear Students

Statistics is part of both BSc and MSc syllabus, so I am sharing with you a fun site to learn statistics. Enjoy learning statistics...

Friday, 24 March 2017

RNA Splicing

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Friday, 17 March 2017

Hotspot Regions of India

Dear BSc Second Year Botany (H) Students

Please find study material for Hotspot regions at a note on hotspots of India

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Common Plants for Identification

Dear Botany General Second Year students, I am posting pictures of plants that you have collected during local excursion and that are part of your practical syllabus (Unit 6B).
Sida acuta (Malvaceae)
Abutilon indicum
Abutilon indicum (Malvaceae)
Cassia sophera
Cassia sophera (Fabaceae)
Tephrosia purpurea
Tephrosia purpurea (Fabaceae)
Tephrosia purpurea flower
Tephrosia purpurea flower
Crotalaria pallida
Crotalaria pallida (Fabaceae)
Coccinia grandis (Cucurbitaceae)
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia ( Solanaceae)
Leucas aspera
Leucas aspera (Lamiaceae)
Leonurus sibiricus
Leonurus sibiricus (Lamiaceae)
Parthenium hysterophorus
Parthenium hysterophorus
Tridax procumbens
Tridax procumbens ( Asteraceae)
Chrysopogon aciculatus
Chrysopogon aciculatus (Paoceae)
Setaria glauca
Setaria glauca (Poaceae)
Eclipta alba
Eclipta alba (Asteraceae)


Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Thursday, 9 March 2017

DNA replication

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Saturday, 25 February 2017

DNA structure - Nucleosome-Solenoid model

Paper II GROUP A: Unit II

Dear MSc First Year Zoology (V.U) Students

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Industrial microbiology

Industrial microbiology

Please find study material for Industrial microbiology at RKG website

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Monday, 6 February 2017

Bacterial endospore

Dear BSc First Year Botany (H) Students

Please find video on bacterial endospore formation at Bacterial Spore Formation Animation Video

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Dear First Year Botany (H) Students

I will take a class on Tuesday (7.2.2017) at 11:00 am. We will discuss bacterial genetic recombination.

Monday, 30 January 2017

ABC model of floral development

Dear BSc Third Year Botany (H) Students

Please find study material for ABC model of floral development at RKG website